Category Archives: Trim/Cut

Shears for Trimming Your Hair

We spoke about banishing damaged ends and trimming your ends before the new year.


Based on those recommendation, some people have emailed us inquiring about a good pair of shears to rid their split and damaged ends.
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Let the Damaged Ends Go!

damaged endsSee through…



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What are Single Strand Knots?

single strand knots
A single strand knot under a microscope.

Single strand knots are the bane of lengthy hair existence.

These little annoying knots usually appear on a single strand of hair (see above picture) and generally towards the end. Some people have nicknamed them as fairy knots because the knots are so small it is as if itty-bitty fairies twisted and knotted them.
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Heat Styling and Your Hair

HeatHeat styling.

It consists of temporarily changing the texture of a person’s hair via a hair appliance (i.e. going from curly hair to straight hair and vice versa).

Some examples of hair appliances are: blow dryers, hair straighteners/ flat irons, hot rollers, pressing combs, and overhead dryers. Continue reading Heat Styling and Your Hair