Hair Steaming: What You Need to Know

Are you plagued by dry hair? If so, hair steaming may be just what you need to get healthy and well moisturized hair.

What’s Hair Steaming?

Hair steaming is the process by where you add moisture (in the form of steam) to your hair strands. This can be done in a variety of different ways, like a standing steamer, handheld hair steamer, or a long hot shower; if you don’t have the cash to buy a steamer.

Why Should I Steam My Hair?

Hair steaming has many benefits. For instance, implementing hair steaming into your hair care regimen will eliminate frizz, improve hair elasticity and prevents hair breakage. But, that’s not all – additional benefits include:

  1. Promotes Hair Growth: A steamers increases the flow of natural oils on the scalp, creating the right moisturized conditions for your hair to grow faster.
  2. Makes Hair More Manageable: Using a hair steamer will make your hair easier to detangle and more manageable. Plus, since you won’t have to yank out knots anymore, it will help reduce breakage as well.
  3. Rejuvenates Your Hair: With unpredictable winter weather headed our way, it is more important than ever to keep your hair protected against the elements. A steamer lets you added extra moisture to your hair without having to go through your entire moisturization process.

Can I Use a Hair Steamer At Home?

If you would like to steam your hair at home, you will be happy to know that this can easily be done. It is recommended that you steam your hair no more than twice a week for about 20-30 minutes. It is also important that you use distilled water, instead of the standard tap water when steaming your hair. Doing so will prevent limescale from building up in the machine.

The Bottom Line

Hair steaming is an excellent way to add much needed moisture in your hair. Plus, there are a number of affordable models available so that you can get these benefits at home


Photo credit: CITAlliance |

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