Grocery Bags and Hair

Did you know plastic grocery bags can help your lengthy hair journey?

They can!

After applying a deep conditioner (or mask) to your hair, tie a plastic grocery store bag around your head. You may have to tie a knot, so the bag stays in place. We recommend knotting the plastic bag in the front. Voila! Grocery bags and hair work well together.

Only buy hair processing caps when you need to.

Now you can sit back and let the conditioner (or even henna) do all the work. Opt for allowing the heat from your head warm up the conditioner for an hour, or you can sit under a hooded dryer for 30 minutes. The results will be the same: shiny, strong, and well-moisturized hair!

If you didn’t read our post entitled, We Are Loving These Processing Caps! Please check it out.

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