The Sylver2 Method for Wrapping Hair Up

A long time ago, I was a paid member of a popular hair forum focused on women of color. I have nothing but appreciation for that forum as it taught me a lot about healthy hair practices. There were many rock stars and lengthy hair ladies on that platform, but Sylver2 was among my top favorites. Despite us never speaking, she was the first person who helped me with my dilemma of wrapping my hair up at night. A decade later, I still use her method every night.

Why Should You Cover Your Hair At Night?

By now, you should know the importance of wrapping your hair up at night. Protecting your hair against drying cotton pillowcases is crucial, especially if you are a person of African descent. Curly and tight coiled hair is naturally dry, not oily, due to the texture.

Our straight-haired friends’ natural oil secretion (also called sebum) can travel down the hair shaft unimpeded, coating the strand with protection. Oil secretion for curly and coiled hair people would need to loop around a strand similar to a rollercoaster to thoroughly coat the hair, which we know does not happen. Hence our need to deep condition more, use oils, and cover our hair at night.

Satin Scarf, Bonnet, or Pillowcase?

When I started my hair journey, one of my biggest decisions was choosing between a satin scarf, bonnet, or pillowcase. I liked the satin scarf because it kept my hair smooth and in place after I straightened, but the length of my hair was exposed. A satin bonnet would protect my entire head, but my hair would be disheveled and out of place in the morning. A satin pillowcase gave me freedom from a hair wrap, but my fine hair tangled a lot.

Sylver2 Method

Sylver2 was extraordinary for many reasons. For one, she was relaxed and would stretch her relaxers upwards to a year! Something practically unheard of back then. She also shared her method for wrapping her hair at night. Instead of choosing between a satin scarf, bonnet, or pillowcase, she combined two. She would first wrap her satin scarf around the circumference of her head, which not only protected her roots from the drying cotton pillowcase but also kept them flat and in place. Keeping her roots flat was something she desperately needed since she stretched her relaxers for a long time. Then she placed a bonnet over her scarf and tucked her length inside. Thus, protecting her ends – the oldest part.

Like I said earlier, I have been using this technique on my hair for over a decade, and it the best method for wrapping my hair at night. I am incredibly thankful to Sylver2 for sharing her knowledge. I honestly believe her approach is a significant reason why my hair continues to thrives and has reached waist length multiple times. HHG!

Stay tuned to Lengthy Hair for more tips!

Please check out Sylver2’s YouTube videos:

Video credit:  sylver2  | YouTube

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