New Year Hair Goals

Happy New Year!

It is a new year and time to set new hair goals.

How much progress did you make last year? Did you reach shoulder length, arm pit length, bra-strap length or beyond?

Congrats on your progress. Now let’s start working on our next hair goal. We always suggest starting the new year with a trim. Then you may want to opt for a nice protective style (i.e. bun).

Here is an easy way to give yourself a nice New Year’s bun:

If you have ever wondered how people on television or in your workplace get their hair into that perfect bun, then look no further. The hairdo of the “donut bun” is always thought of as a difficult style to pull off–and it is for most people who try to create this bun style without the aid of the easy to use bun shaper.

A donut bun shaper is an accessory that makes it incredibly easy to get that look without all of the struggle.

Luckily, bun shapers come in all different shapes and colors, so you can buy one that is best suited to you and your hair color. You can find a bun shaper in the beauty section and/or hair accessory aisles at most beauty salons, shops, and shopping locations. They are also very inexpensive; most are under five dollars! Or, you can easily go online to a shopping retailer and buy one or more bun shapers to try out.

The process of making the perfect donut bun with your hair is easy.

First, brush your hair and pull it into a ponytail. Secure it with a hair tie.

Second, pull your hair through the center of the donut bun shaper, and place the bun shaper on top of your hair tie that you used to keep your hair up.

Third, spread your hair out and wrap the bun shaper with the hair; and then place another hair tie over the bun shaper to secure it.

Lastly, coil and tuck your remaining hair into a circular fashion around the donut bun shaper, pinning the hair diagonally with long bobby pins or better, hair pins. After doing doing this a few time, you will get quicker at it and will be able to get creative and try different bun styles with the donut bun shaper.

You can add additional hair accessories, such as flowers; you can plait your hair within the bun; or simply create a nicely woven donut bun that you have always wanted to try.

This hairstyle is perfect for school, work, casual wear, and a variety of social events. It is a versatile and attractive hairstyle that keeps your hair out of the way. Some make tight buns and others make a more “messy” look with their bun, depending on their style and where they are wearing it to.

And just like that, with the easy instructions above, you have your new bun style courtesy of the inexpensive and creative use of a donut bun shaper!