Results from the Summer Hair Challenge: April – July 2018

Hi Lovelies,

The Summer Hair Challenge for 2018 has ended. Did you get the results you wanted? The challenge started on April 1st and it ended on July 31st. That was four months so theoretically if hair grows ½ an inch a month you should have obtained two inches of new hair.

Reminder of the Rules

In case you have forgot, below were the rules of the challenge:

Results from the Summer Hair Challenge

One of the rules for the challenge was to take a picture of your hair length on April 1st. Below is a picture of my hair at the start of the challenge:

You will notice my length is between shoulder and arm-pit length (APL). I experience breakage due to permanent hair color on my right side so that side appears shorter than the left. Hard to tell but my crown area is also short. I am hoping this area will catch up with the rest of my hair.

On July 31st, I took another picture at the end of the challenge:

Due to the flash, you will notice the old red color on my ends. I maintain this color by using Joico’s semi-permanent color. Will be considering henna in the future for all of my hair color needs.

You will also notice my right side is still shorter (by an inch), but it is catching up to the left side. My crown area has definitely grown out as well. My hair is definitely longer but it is developing a “V” shape.

Hard to tell in the picture but my hair is well past APL. There appears to be a “thinness” in the picture, but my hair is not thin at all. When my fine hair is not blunt, it can appear thin (*Remember fine hair doesn’t have to be thin and vice versa).  I am hoping my hair will continue to grow and catch up to my longest layer so I won’t have to trim unnecessarily. Overall, not too bad since I only trimmed and dusted twice during the challenge (I know… I shouldn’t have).

Thoughts about the Challenge?

This was a great hair growth challenge and I would try it again. I retained more than two inches of growth. Below I placed a  by areas I did well on and a  where I can improve on next time:

During the next hair growth challenge, I will avoid trimming or dusting. It should be common sense not to trim or dust you hair during a hair challenge, but I like to keep my ends tidy, especially since I was dealing with breakage due to hair color.

So what were your results from the Summer Hair Challenge? What would you like to improve on during the next challenge? Feel free to leave your comments below! Happy Hair Growing!