The Importance of Using High-Quality Hair Tools

If you want to have luscious, lengthy hair, you must incorporate high-quality hair tools into your hair regimen in addition to high-quality hair products and skilled techniques.

This is especially true when it comes to heating tools such as blowdryers and flat irons. They can make or literally break your hair strands.

Opt for High-Quality Hair Tools

Before adopting a healthier hair regimen, I used to use marcel irons and flat irons that were gold plated. Now I know that is a no-no. Outdated marcel irons and gold plated (non-ceramic) flat irons would always burn my hair because the heating of these tools is extremely uneven. They offered very little to no protection to my delicate hair strands.

Five years ago, I opted to buy a high-quality flat iron. I paid over $100 (USD) for the FHI Heat Platform flat iron in size one inch. My hair strands have been thanking me ever since. I also am thankful I don’t have to endure the scent of burnt hair.

Look for Advanced Features

Like the FHI Heat Platform flat iron, high-quality tools will usually include advanced features such as ceramic, tourmaline, and ionic technology. These advancements are less likely to burn and zap your hair of its moisture content due to their uniform heating and protective technologies.

Remember, hair dryness is a nemesis to healthy, lengthy hair. Dehydrated stands are more susceptible to breakage, split, and knots.

So if you need to use heated hair tools, invest in the best! Also keeping up with your deep conditioning treatments and trims will help your hair stay in top shape.

Would you like to share what your favorite high-quality hair tool is? Let us know in the comments. HHG!

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