What is Hair Dusting?

When you hear the term dusting, your mind may conjure up images of a maid using a feather duster to dust off various pieces of furniture. But did you know the term dusting also refers to a beauty term called hair dusting.

What is Hair Dusting?

To put it simply, hair dusting is a hair cutting technique. It is designed to keep length unlike traditional hair cutting. While utilizing the hair dusting technique, damaged ends throughout the hair are targeted in small amounts.

How Often Should You Dust?

Professional stylists recommend trimming (or cutting per those who are scissor happy) your hair every six to eight weeks. However, we disagree as no two manes are alike.

Like traditional trimming, how often you dust depends on how you maintain your tresses. If you use heat styling tools regularly or use chemicals like relaxers and color, then you may need to dust more often.

At the end of the day, you need to be in tuned with your hair, especially the ends. If your ends look split, broken, or feels dry, then you should consider dusting. If the damage is excessive, then you should stick with trimming.

Pros and Cons of Hair Dusting

Despite the benefit of keeping length and targeting damaged ends individually, hair dusting isn’t going to work for all hair types. Highly textured and curly tresses may want to skip this technique and stick with regular trims. Due to their natural curly, coily hair texture, dusting may be difficult. It also wouldn’t make sense to straighten your hair using heat, which can contribute to damage, just so you could dust. With that being said, if you are already utilizing this technique and it works for you, then don’t stop on our accord.

Some people are also quick to point out how tedious hair dusting can be. Unlike regular trimming, you are not just focusing on the collective ends of the hair, but the ends of individuals strands. Your wrist will definitely be getting a workout.

The Verdict

Given what hair dusting entails, we think it is a good hair technique for some individuals. If you are willing to give it a try, then we suggest you use a sharp pair of shears designed for hair cutting and you get a trusted person to assist you. Remember when it comes to hair cutting it is best to go slow. After all, we advocate for you to keep as much hair as possible connected to your scalp and not on the floor. HHG!

Video credit: Capelli – Draženka Marelja Hair Artist | Youtube