Let’s Talk About It: Hairexia

Disclaimer: We understand the word hairexia is a term coined from the very serious eating disorder called anorexia. In no way are we making light of the severity of this condition. If you suffer from anorexia, please call the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline at 1-800-931-2237 for help.

Right now I am doing well on my hair journey. I am drinking water, maintaining a healthy diet, popping my biotin capsules regularly, and deep conditioning weekly.

Still despite all of my meticulous grooming, sometimes I still feel like my hair is not reaching my lengthy hair goals fast enough. When I was a member of a popular hair care forum, I remember they gave a name for this notion. It was called hairexia.

What is Hairexia?

Simply put, hairexia is when you feel your hair is too thin, too short, or not meeting your standards of beauty. It is a disappointing feeling and could lead to you feeling the blues. Look — we work hard to reach our lengthy hair goals. We want to reap the benefits of gorgeous, lengthy hair.

If you ever feel like your hair is not good enough, don’t despair. Use these five tips to get your mind back on the right track.

Stay the Course

Staying the course may be one of the hardest tips to hear when you are feeling down about your hair. However, we urge you to focus on your hair regimen. You will be tempted to stray off course when you come across the next hyped product or hair video. Nevertheless, if you can see your hair making progress, then you are on the right track.

Protective Style

If at any point you become frustrated with your hair’s progress, it may be best to tuck it away in a protective style. In my opinion, the best protective style is a bun. It is easy to do and can be very chic. They even have bun makers that can make creating one a breeze. Just remember to keep it comfortable and not too tight. Switch the look up and take it down at night.

Be Gentle and Patient

Stop being harsh to your hair! I can’t tell you how many times I have cringed while scrolling across hair videos on YouTube. Brushing and combing your hair should never be painful. If the brush or comb is ripping through your hair, then you are damaging it. You must be gentle and patient with your hair if you want to retain it. Always treat it like fine lace so you can reap the rewards of lengthy tresses.

Take Pictures

Pictures and videos have been my saving grace over the years. The eyes can be deceiving, and our memories can fade. Whenever possible, take a picture of your hair’s length. Months or even years later you will see your growth retention more clearly and appreciate your hard efforts.

Deep Condition

Over the years my hair has taken a lot of abuse. It has been heat damaged by marcel irons, tex-laxed, colored red, and my edges were thinned by box braids. The fact that my hair and edges are still thriving and flowing down my back is just amazing! Despite all of my experiments, I can honestly attest that deep conditioning has been my saving grace. Lengthy Hair® and I cannot urge you to deep condition enough, especially those with dry hair.  If your progress becomes stunted by breakage, then deep condition. Your hair strands will thank you.

Would you like to share a tip? Let us know in the comments.

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