All posts by The Lengthy Hair Team

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hair

know about hairWe do a lot with our hair. We color, style, braid, weave, and even cut it. Despite having hair since the womb, most people know very little about hair. People rarely give a second thought to the wonder that is hair. How much weight can it pull or lift? How long can it grow? Where can it grow? If you knew just a few facts about hair, you would be amazed. Continue reading 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hair

Five Nourishing Oils for Healthy Hair

oils for healthy hairKeeping hair healthy in the colder months is a real challenge. The lack of moisture in the air can dry out your scalp and cause your hair to become brittle. Luckily, there is a way to help keep hair healthy even if the weather outside is not its best. Today we are going to discuss how different types of oil can keep your hair healthy and how they can promote growth. These oils will prevent split ends and help reduce dreaded dry scalp. Continue reading Five Nourishing Oils for Healthy Hair

Nine Ways to Prevent Split Ends and Breakage

prevent split endsSplit ends and breakage are two peas in a pod. Dryness is usually a culprit for both. No matter what type of hair you have, it will eventually dry out. Aside from cutting off your dried ends, you may feel like there’s not much you can do to avoid it. Whether dryness is a natural condition like with our curly haired friends or if it is caused by outside elements, you can give your hair what it needs. Here are nine ways to prevent split ends and breakage so your tresses remain moisturized and growing to new lengths.
Continue reading Nine Ways to Prevent Split Ends and Breakage

Product Review: Camille Rose Naturals Algae Renew

Camille Rose Naturals Algae RenewOn a whim, we decided to try a few deep conditioners. We are always looking for deep conditioners to assist with adding strength and moisture to lengthy tresses. After all, we believe deep conditioners to be the saving grace for long hair.

The two deep conditioners we bought and tried were: the Camille Rose Naturals Algae Renew Deep Conditioning Mask and the Camille Rose Naturals’ Coconut Water Penetrating Hair Treatment. For this review we will focus on the Algae Renew Deep Conditioning Mask. A review on the Coconut Water Penetrating Hair Treatment will be posted at a later date.
Continue reading Product Review: Camille Rose Naturals Algae Renew