Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy Thanksgiving!

To our Subscribers and visitors from the United States,


Start trimming/cutting your own hair

ShearsAre you tired of spending money on hair cuts? Become a DIY (means Do It Yourself) person. Continue reading Start trimming/cutting your own hair

Oil & Winter Months

Olive oilHair can dry out very easily during the colder months. Oil can help seal moisture inside of your hair when used properly.
Continue reading Oil & Winter Months

Glory to your hair…

“But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given to her for a covering.” – 1 Corinthians 11:15 (King James Bible)

Hair – everyone has it. Some people naturally have naturally have thicker hair, while others have finer strands. Some people naturally have curlier strands, while others have straighter. While some people have darker hues and others have lighter hues. It just depends on the genetics. No matter what the case may be, most people would agree that healthy, lengthy hair is amazing!
Continue reading Glory to your hair…