Category Archives: Did You Know

The Importance of Using a Heat Protectant

heat protectantA sleek bob, tousled waves, and bouncy curls are all amazing hairstyles you can create with heat styling. However, have you taken the time to consider the damage heat can cause your hair?  If used improperly, flat irons, curling irons, wands, and blow dryers can all cause dullness, dryness, and breakage.

This does not mean you should stop heat styling your hair. Of course, some hairstyles cannot be achieved in any other way. The best solution to avoid damage, besides avoiding heat all together, is to use a heat protectant before styling your hair. Continue reading The Importance of Using a Heat Protectant

Find Your Hair Type

hair type chartWe get a lot of emails about people questioning their hair type. It can get confusing: 2b….3c…4b? So we decided to add some hair type charts to help you decide which hair type closely resembles yours. Remember we are all unique and no two heads will look exactly alike. Continue reading Find Your Hair Type

Let’s Talk About Hair Edges and Baby Hairs

hair edges Hair edges and baby hairs are all the rage! Some people even have elaborate techniques for styling them. At, we just care about you having edges and encourage you to avoid tight hairstyles like braids, weaves, and tight ponytails, which can thin or destroy your hair over time. Continue reading Let’s Talk About Hair Edges and Baby Hairs

The Three Stages of Hair Growth

stages of hair growth
Stages of Hair Growth

Most people want longer, fuller hair. All of us – at one point or another – have employed various methods to “speed up” our hair growth (e.g. maintaining low stress levels, supplements, living a healthy lifestyle, oils, creams, shampoo,  etc.). We’ve received countless emails from people around the world seeking advice on how they can grow their hair longer.

Well,  let’s get back to the basics. We first need to understand how human hair grows. Continue reading The Three Stages of Hair Growth