Category Archives: Conditioning

Nine Ways to Prevent Split Ends and Breakage

prevent split endsSplit ends and breakage are two peas in a pod. Dryness is usually a culprit for both. No matter what type of hair you have, it will eventually dry out. Aside from cutting off your dried ends, you may feel like there’s not much you can do to avoid it. Whether dryness is a natural condition like with our curly haired friends or if it is caused by outside elements, you can give your hair what it needs. Here are nine ways to prevent split ends and breakage so your tresses remain moisturized and growing to new lengths.
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The Different Types of Hair Color

Hair ColorSummer is here and thoughts of coloring your hair may be on your mind. Hair color when done right is fun and enchanting. However, if it goes wrong, it can be detrimental to your tresses. It is best to educate yourself on the different types of hair color and the risk you are taking before changing your look. Continue reading The Different Types of Hair Color

Scalp Massages and Hair Growth

scalp massagesHaving long and healthy locks is every woman’s dream. Give your tresses a hair growth boost with scalp massages. Scalp massages will increase blood circulation to your hair follicles and alleviate stress. Not to mention, it will stimulate your hair’s natural oil, which will aid in conditioning your hair strands.

If you have tried several methods in the past but failed, we recommend  you try some of these quick tips:

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What is Co-washing?

co-washingHave you heard of co-washing?

Co-washing or “conditioner washing” is washing your hair with conditioner only. That’s right, no shampoo.

People have adopted co-washing in their hair care routine to help alleviate dryness. Chances are if you have tight coils, curls, or wavy hair, then you would benefit from co-washing.


Curly and wavy hair bends and loops more than straight hair. Certain hair textures can loop around so much, sebum, hair’s natural oil secretions, can not lubricate the ends of the hair. Leaving the ends very dry.

So if you want to start co-washing here are a few tips:
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