Category Archives: Trim/Cut

New Year and a New Trim

2015 is quickly approaching!

We have a motto at New Year, New Trim!

A new year evokes resolutions and a list of behaviors we would like to change about ourselves. Losing weight, stop smoking, and saving more money are common behaviors people want to change. Sprucing up our hair usually is not at the top of the list, but it should be.
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Do you “listen” to your hair?

Just like the rest of your body, your hair will tell you if it is in good health or not. You just have to pay attention and “listen”. Many times people can get complacent or fall back on a designated schedule to maintain their tresses when their hair is stating otherwise. Don’t get caught in that cycle.

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Banish Split Ends!

Are those last three inches looking ratty, brittle, and dry? Banish split ends by trimming!

Split ends

Don’t hold on to split ends because they help you reach a hair length. They will do more damage to your lengthy hair goals over time. It is better to get rid of them now.
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Brrr…It’s cold outside…

When the mercury drops outside, make sure you pay attention to your hair. The freezing temperatures can zap moisture out of your hair – causing dryness. Try moisturizing your hair at night with a water-based leave in conditioner followed by a few drops of oil. Then cover your hair with a silk or satin scarf/bonnet. During the day wear a protective hairstyle like a bun. A protective hairstyle will hide your ends from the cold and lessen the need to keep trimming them. Snowy Road

Photo credit: dan |