Category Archives: Conditioning

Let the Damaged Ends Go!

damaged endsSee through…



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Coconut Oil and Hair

Coconut OilCoconut oil is a miracle worker. The oil is lighter than olive oil or castor oil. It can be used for a range of activities: from cooking to a skin moisturizer.

Coconut oil can also be used for the hair.
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Ways to Tell You’re Reaching Your Lengthy Hair Goal

Each inch of hair growth is a celebration! As you start growing lengthy hair, you will start to notice different happenings and changes in behaviors from loved ones and strangers. Your behavior will also change to adapt to your lengthy flowing locks.

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Quick Tip: Cold Water Rinse

cold water rinseDo you want to add a little shine to your hair?

Try a cold water rinse.

After thoroughly rinsing conditioner out of your hair with lukewarm water, follow with some cold water for a few minutes. The cold water rinse will close the hair cuticles and they will lay flat. Flat cuticles are more reflective and shiny.

Try it out the next time you shampoo and condition your hair.