Category Archives: Hair Tips

Should you use rubber bands on your hair?

Rubber bands and hair do not mix.

Rubber bands have many uses. The internet is full of websites promoting the many ways to utilize a rubber band. To name a few: they can hold rolled up posters, bunch pens and pencils together, and even be used as a makeshift sling shot to playfully pluck a friend.

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Hair Pins Can Be Your Friend

Many people have heard of bobby pins. Bobby pins are tight and double-pronged pins. They are wonderful if you need your hairstyle to be tout and stay in place. However, the construction and material used to make a bobby pin practical can also cause damage. When the outer coating starts to strip away the metal and double-pronged design of the bobby pin can cause damage to your hair by snagging it.


A safer pin to use for hair styling is the simple hair pin or what can be referred to as open-mouth pin (see above picture). Continue reading Hair Pins Can Be Your Friend

How Many Hairs Are On the Human Head?

hairs are on the human headDo you know how many hairs are on the human head?

Many people have asked the same questions.

Humans have an average 100,000 hairs are on the human head.

Blondes tend to have more than 100,000 hair strands, redheads have the least (around 90,000 strands), and brunettes or people with dark hair have close to the 100,000 amount.

Summer is Here!

The summer of 2014 is here and based on the thermometers it is going to be a hot one! The higher the mercury goes the drier your hair will get. Why?

– The Sun can and will zap moisture from your hair.

– The chlorine (a.k.a. bleach) in pools will strip your hair, especially your hair color.

– Your sweat, which is partly comprised of salt, will cool you down, but dry out your hair.

Sun hatHow can you combat the summer from halting your lengthy hair goals?
Continue reading Summer is Here!