Category Archives: Protective Hairstyles

New Year Hair Goals

hair goalsHappy New Year!

It is a new year and time to set new hair goals.

How much progress did you make last year? Did you reach shoulder length, arm pit length, bra-strap length or beyond?

Congrats on your progress. Now let’s start working on our next hair goal. We always suggest starting the new year with a trim. Then you may want to opt for a nice protective style (i.e. bun). Continue reading New Year Hair Goals

Hair Tip: Hair and Cold Weather

hair and cold weatherThe cold is here. The fall season began on September 22, 2015 in the Northern Hemisphere and winter is fast-approaching. Usually we remember to add more layers to our body to keep warm, but we often forget how our hair and cold weather don’t mix. Our hair needs extra pampering in the colder months.

It is best to avoid allowing your hair to sweep around on fabrics such as wool and cotton. These fabrics keep us cozy when the temperature drops, but they can be harsh on our hair. They can strip the natural oils in our hair and dry out it out, especially on the ends and nape. Also breakage is likely to occur when these fabrics pull at individual strands.
Continue reading Hair Tip: Hair and Cold Weather

Using Hair Rollers to Maintain Curls

Big, bouncy curls will never go out of style.

If you were lucky to be born with a headful of curls, then you may not have trouble maintaining curly locks. However, the rest of us have to put in a little time and effort.

One way to achieve curls is to use hair rollers (also called curlers). They come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. Our favorite hair rollers are the snap-on magnetic rollers and flexi-rods.
Continue reading Using Hair Rollers to Maintain Curls

Ways to Tell You’re Reaching Your Lengthy Hair Goal

Each inch of hair growth is a celebration! As you start growing lengthy hair, you will start to notice different happenings and changes in behaviors from loved ones and strangers. Your behavior will also change to adapt to your lengthy flowing locks.

Continue reading Ways to Tell You’re Reaching Your Lengthy Hair Goal